/* rant */
oh man, lemme tell you something... cross-browser display for
scrolling grids is a NIGHTMARE. either you end up doing a zliilion
lines of old-school JS coding to get the table rewritten on the fly,
which slows down rendering-time a LOT, or you end up loosing column
header alignment, especially with liquid table layouts. Its a HUGE

The crux of it is that IE and FF either include (or don't include) the
scrollbar when calculating the width - and the dimensions plugin does
NOT fix this, in case you were wondering.

I have looked at jqGrid before, wanting to use it and it's the best
grid out there in terms of feature-set. Especially I love the
expanding rows, something i really needed.

But because I'm more interested in having the layout perfect, versus
having column resizing and in-place editing, and all that nifty stuff,
I ended up writing my own grid that's a hybrid between regular JS,
some jQuery, and a couple of CSS-hacks to get that @!#*&#$ scrollbar
positioned correctly.

Things are so bad that I had to set up my entire layout in absolute-
positioned elements and use jQuery to position everything onload and
onresize. It's crazy! But at least I am getting away without needing
any fancy libraries. only jquery123.js

And if anyone can show me a working cross-browser implementation of a
liquid grid - without using a ton of javascript to rewrite the whole
table - with the scrollbar sitting INSIDE the whole table, and all
columns aligning perfectly like you would think it would be, I will
personally award you the Nobel Code Prize (sic)
/* end rant */

On Mar 7, 5:55 am, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another thing. Is there a way to make the scrollbar fit within the
> control itself? Currently, it sits out to the right and, IMO, seems a
> little out of place just floating there.
> Rey...
> Tony wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > At end I have done a lot of work to finalize the jqGrid. More
> > information you can found here
> >http://www.trirand.com/blog
> > Note that this is not official release, since of missing
> > documentation. I'm working hard on this and hope to finish the
> > documentation at end of week.
> > Enjoy
> > Tony

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