Well, you'll have to make all your forms work traditionally, and use
JQ to override them, using things like the ajax form plugin etc.

Similiarly, any UI widgets you use should build themselves from
existing markup on the page.

For very complicated interfaces, it might be easier to provide a pure,
accessible html solution, and a seperate JQ one that you redirect to
with javascript...

On Mar 6, 3:42 pm, raj-gorsia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Basically, i just wanted some advise on a project that i am working on
> for a big client of mine.
> Ive got a folder full of notes regards to accessibilty and how to make
> the website fully compliant.
> The problem is, that we decided to use ajax/jQuery to provide alot of
> the functionality on the website, but i am still searching around if
> ajax would be the way forward if the client is wanting a 100%
> accessible website.
> Nothing from me has been coded yet, and its just ideas that i am
> researching on at the moment, which ajax was mentioned.
> My question is that, is there a backup plan if i did code the website
> using ajax using jquery but if js was disabled then how would it
> function. i.e. rather then the ajax call passing data into a div, the
> page would reload and take the action it needs to.
> Hope that makes sense and any advise/tips and tricks would be
> greatful.
> Thanks
> Raj

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