
I'm creating a plugin that enhances an input element in a form. The
plugin makes use of, among other things, the keydown event.

The problem I'm seeing is that when I run:

$.fn.myPlugin = function(e) {
    return this.each(function() {
        $input = $(this);


'myFunction' is run several times when I press a key in one of the
input elements.

I've tried looking at the ui.datepicker plugin that seems to work as I
want it too, but it's much too complex for me to derive an approach
out of. Could anyone _please_ help me by providing a scaled down
example of an approach that will allow every instance of my plugin to
keep it's local settings and reference to input element (or best
practice on how you would solve this problem).

(I am also adding some wrapping the input element in a div and adding
a few more inputs to it, how I'm supposed to be keeping track of that
group and registering events on objects in it would be a great
addition, but I left it out of my original problem description to keep
it simple(r))

Thanks in anticipation!

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