This is probably a silly question, but I'm new to jQuery. Anyway, I
have a thickbox iframe with a form in it. I'm also submitting the form
using the Form Plugin. Everything works great, it spits out the
response text just fine, and I'm pretty much floored at how clean
things are.

What I'm trying to do now is to get the thickbox to close if the
responseText doesn't contain the word "error." So if there are no
errors, the thickbox will close itself automatically, and if there
are, the box will remain open and print the responseText. I believe
what I need to do is have some sort of conditional statement, and then
use self.parent.tb_remove() if it's true to close the box. I'm just
not sure how to implement it. Could someone please steer me in the
right direction? Thanks.

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