
Nazgulled wrote:
> Anyone please... This is really making me mad and I have no clue on
> how to fix this stupid bug that shouldn't be happening.
> If anyone as any idea, please, let me now... :(
> Nazgulled wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I'm having this strange problem with IE that I don't know how to fix.
> > Tried countless things, but neither worked and I just can't understand
> > why this is happening, it makes no sense to me.
> >
> > First things first... To assign a color to some element border I do
> > the following which works fine:
> > $('id#element').css('borderColor', '#ff0000');
> >
> > Now let's say I have a variable with that string, something like this
> > that also works fine:
> > var color = '#ff0000';
> > $('id#element').css('borderColor', color);
> >
> > Now the real problem. On my original code, I have something like the
> > above example, the only difference is that the "color" variable is not
> > manually assigned like in the example. I have a function that grabs
> > some colors from an external stylesheet, puts them into an array and
> > returns the array.
> >
> > That function is called getColorsFromCSS and the code is the
> > following:
> > getColorsFromCSS: function(cssElement) {
> >     var cssRules, cssSelector;
> >     var colors = [];
> >
> >     // Which CSS rules are available in the browser?
> >     if (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules) {
> >             cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
> >     } else {
> >             cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].rules;
> >     }
> >
> >     // Double check if the CSS rules are really available
> >     if (cssRules) {
> >             // Loops through each CSS selector
> >             for (var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
> >                     cssSelector = cssRules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase();
> >
> >                     // Get colors from which CSS elements?
> >                     if (cssElement == 'links') {
> >                             // Gets the color value for a specific selector
> >                             switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, "")) {
> >                                     case "ul#cp-block-items a:link":
> >                                             colors[0] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.color;
> >                                             break;
> >                                     case "ul#cp-block-items a:hover":
> >                                             colors[1] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.color;
> >                                             break;
> >                                     case "div#content a:link":
> >                                             colors[2] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.color;
> >                                             break;
> >                                     case "div#content a:hover":
> >                                             colors[3] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.color;
> >                                             break;
> >                             }
> >
> >                             //
> >                             if(colors.length == 4) return colors;
> >                     } else if (cssElement.indexOf('popup') == 0) {
> >                             // Gets the color value for a specific selector
> >                             switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, "")) {
> >                                     case "div#" + cssElement:
> >                                             colors[0] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.color;
> >                                             colors[1] = 
> > cssRules[i].style.backgroundColor;
> >                                             break;
> >                             }
> >
> >                             //
> >                             if(colors.length == 2) return colors;
> >                     }
> >             }
> >     }
> > },
> >
> > Yes, the function is working, meaning the values are retrieved from
> > the external CSS and the array is returned with all the values inside
> > it. I conformed this by doing an alert(popupColors[0]); before trying
> > to set the border color and the output was a string with the color
> > value (like the code below).
> >
> > And my real code goes like this:
> > var popupColors = $.admin.getColorsFromCSS('popup-notice-error');
> > alert(popupColors[0]); // This outputs the color value assigned to
> > this array index
> > $('div#popup-block').css('borderColor', popupColors[0]); // But this
> > doesn't work :(
> >
> > This is only happening in IE6/7, not on Firefox, Opera 9.26
> > and Safari 3.1 (Win).
> >
> > Any thoughts on this?

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