can you post a workable demo somewhere?

even if you do a self-contained html file and put it in a pastebin

On Mar 25, 8:36 pm, elspiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fairly new to jQuery so bare with me. I've had a search on the forums,
> but if its already been answered i apologise....
> I'll show the code first...easier to explain
> <div class="product">
> <div class="display"> images/bedroom.jpg </div><br />
> <div class="thumbs"> images/thumbs/bedroom.jpg  images/thumbs/bedroom1.jpg
> images/thumbs/bedroom2.jpg </div>
> </div>
> <div class="product">
> <div class="display"> images/tables.jpg </div><br />
> <div class="thumbs"> images/thumbs/tables.jpg  images/thumbs/tables1.jpg
> images/thumbs/tables2.jpg </div>
> </div>
> Multiple product classes, when you click on one of the thumbnails, the img
> in the display class updates....or rather it should. When a thumbnail is
> clicked the images in all of the display classes change to the selected
> image rather than just the display class in the containing div.
> I know its because I need to select display class in the current selected
> product but i don't know how...
> I've tried variations on the theme of
> $(this).parent().parent('.display img').attr('src', val);
> $(this).parents.......
> etc etc
> Below is the current code (where all the images display the same)
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   $('.thumbs img').click(function() {
>         var scr = $(this).attr('src').replace("thumbs/","");
>         $('.display img').attr("src", scr);
>   });
> });
> But I'm just stumped. Please help, I hope I've made myself as clear as
> possible, if not i apologise
> --
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> context:
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