Thanks for the help, I'm quite a newbie at jQuery so not sure how to  
add that. I attempted to add that code to the jquery code the top in  
the head

I have this now:

<script type="text/javascript">
                // simple accordion
                        autoheight: false
                $(".ui-accordion").bind("changeaccordion", function(event, ui) {
   ui.accordion-heading // internal widget instance

It does not seem to be working, but I know I'm doing something wrong.

my heading code is like this:

<a class="accordion-heading">Example Videos on Consultwebs&#39; Client  
Thanks again for the help!


On Mar 26, 2008, at 2:38 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

> Try to specify the header to use for the accordion via the header- 
> option, see
> Jörn

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