Ariel, Sorry for the delay (reply), very busy these days!

Thank you for the ".each" function suggestion, as a beginner, it help
me a lot!

- cleaner code
- easier to understand

I'm going for a few day outside Montreal to relax, with my new "jQuery
in action" book in my possession, I will drink to John Rensiq &
you :=)


On 20 mar, 10:52, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HiJFRanger
> The site looks good, you seem to have based you code on the old demo
> of ScrollTo.. ehm.. that's not something I'll endorse.. that demo was
> all but didactic.
> For that kind of situations, I'd advice using LocalScroll
> Or make your own script, but simplified, something like this:
> $('a.buttons').each(function( i ){
>    $(this).click(function(){
>        e.preventDefault();
>        $('#container').scrollTo('li:eq('+i+')', 1000, {axis:'x'} );
>    });
> });
> Or an anchor based navigation, like LocalScroll.
> Note that I'm not bashing your code, just mentioning this because you
> are directing people to it.
> Cheers, let me know if you want me to link to your site from the blog.
> --
> Ariel Flesler

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