Thanks for the reply, Jack.


Got it all worked out!  :o)




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack 
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:04 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Calling all jQ & CF users...


I know this post is old, but anyway... I haven't looked that carefully, but 
perhaps the issue has to
do with cloning an input that has an ID, thus ending up with 2 controls with 
the same id (albeit
different names)?

I'm not sure why image-upload-2 would not exist on submit even if you didn't 
click the link to
create it, since it looks like it's hardcoded in the html (the 

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote: 

Hi, all.

Well, I'm still on the path of trying to create a file input cloning system,

with CF as the server-side processor.

I'm having mixed results.

FF2 just returns to the page with no uploads or errors.

IE7 uploads a file for the first filefield, but, even when there is no

second field that has been added via JS, I get an error stating that

"The form field 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2' did not contain a file."

Well, form field 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2' wouldn't contain a file, because I hadn't

click on the link connected to the JS that would have created a form field

called 'IMAGE-UPLOAD-2'. IE seems to think that form field exists, when it 

I've included my jQuery below and the CF and HTML.

If anyone could take a look and see if you spot a problem, please do.

If it will help, I'll re-create this page online.

Thanks for any help!



$(document).ready(function() {

        $('#add-image').click(function() {


                attr('name', function() {

                        return\d+$)/, function(s, p1, 
p2) {

                                return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);



                .insertAfter('#image-div :last');




CF for processing form when submitted:

<cfif isDefined("form.fieldnames")>


        <cfloop collection="#form#" item="fieldname">


                #fieldname# - #form[fieldname]#<br>



                <cfif left("#fieldname#", 5) eq "image">


                        <cffile action="upload" filefield="#fieldname#"

                                  accept="image/jpg, image/pjpg, image/jpeg, 








Relevant HTML:


        <li>Click the browse button to locate an image.</li>

           <li>Use the "Add New Image Field" button below to create addition 
image input



<div style="margin-left:60px;">


        <form name="add-image-form" action="#cgi.script_name#" method="post"


        <div id="image-input">

                <div id="image-div">

                <input style="margin-bottom:25px; display:block;" 
name="image-upload-2" type="file" size="60" value="">



                <p><a id="add-image" href="#">Add New Image Field</p>


                <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit Form">






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