Did you ever find out the solution to this issue. I'm running into the
same problem. anyhelp would be appreciated.


On Mar 5, 12:44 pm, orip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (I apologize for the ASP.NET WebForms terminology)
> I'm using ASP.NET's GridView to generate a table, and the jQuery
> Tablesorter plugin to sort it (awesome plugin, BTW).
> After the page loads sorting works great, but if I click on any
> control that performs a postback the page reloads but tablesorter
> doesn't affect it (no sorting, css styling, etc.)
> When troubleshooting it I click a control that does a postback and the
> table loses sorting. I load the table in Firebug's console -  it has
> the 'tablesorter' method, and I call it, but nothing happens.
> >>> $("#ctl00_ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_MainContentPlaceHolder_GridView1").t­ablesorter()
> Calling it with '$(...).tablesorter({debug:true})' doesn't print
> anything to the console either.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks!
> orip

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