Try this:

        $("#btn").click(function () {
                $("#outerdiv").html('<a href="">click me</a>');
                        alert('in here');
                        return false;


On Mar 28, 9:28 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi All,
> Is there any way to bind events to dynamic html content.
> e.g
> I have a div tag and button
> <div id="outerdiv" style="z-index:1;"></div>
> <button id="btn">Click</button>
> when the page loads. On click of button a registered event gets fired
> creating a anchor tag <a> in the <div> tag
>  $(document).ready(function(){
>  $("#btn").click(function () {
>                 $("#outerdiv").html('<a href="">click 
> me</a>');});
> $("a").click(function(){
>                 alert('in here');
>                 return false;
> });
> });
> but the click event registered on $("a") never gets executed. i
> believe this happens because, when the page is first loaded <a>
> doesn't exist so the event is not registered.
> How can i register a event on dynamic content using jquery.
> Thanks a bunch
> Haritha

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