Hi Lewis,

It could be a z-index issue, but you probably have to also set wmode to transparent for the flash object.

If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");

for embed, you add the attribute: wmode="transparent"
for object, you do <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

hope that helps

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Lewis wrote:


i have a problem where im calling a JS pop-up overlay (is a custom
script not adapted from the various lightbox plugins around ) but when
the overlay is over the page - the redraw sections of the flash
banners are cutting through the js window showing the banners
animating content.

is this a z-indexing problem - or is there something in Jquery i need
to call to eliminate?

if anyone has experienced similar problems and resolved it, drop me a
line - or if you might have a solution and need some more info -
lemmie know as im stuck  :(



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