In PHP, monster[pid][id2]['db_id'] will create the intermediate arrays
(monster[pid] and monster[pid][id2]) if they don't already exist.
Javascript isn't that smart, and monster = [[[]]] doesn't help. You'll
have to do something like:
monster[pid] = monster[pid] || [];
monster[pid][id2] = monster[pid][id2] || {}; // I'm using {} rather
than [] since you're using a string to access it, not a number
monster[pid]pid2]['db_id'] = $(this).find('db_id').text();

Inconvenient, but I don't know a way around it.

On Mar 29, 12:04 pm, Tadas J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem with arrays. I am getting data from xml and trying to
> get data to arrays. Here is my code:
> ===============================
> var monster = [[[]]];
> ...
> $(this).find('monsters').each(function(id2){
>         monster[pid][id2]['db_id'] = $(this).find('db_id').text();});
> ...
> ===============================
> When I am alerting the variable it alerts only the first value and
> then stops and in firebug I see this error:
> ====================
> monster[pid][id2] has no properties
> [Break on this error] monster[pid][id2]['db_id'] = $
> (this).find('db_id').text();
> ====================
> Maybe I have wrongly defined monster variable?

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