hi guys!

i would like to know if it is possible to detect or "create an event"
for when an element 's display property is set to visible?

That's for a small plugin i'm writing, that reveals elements in a list
one by one at a given interval. Of course, the list is hidden at
first. what i would like is that, by using show('), it triggers the


$('ul').reveal(2000);  // behaviour is set

$('ul').show(); // animation should start.

Is it possible or am i mixing up things?

Here is my plugin so far:


                $.fn.revealSequentially = function(options){
                    var opts = $.extend({},
$.fn.revealSequentially.defaults, options);
                    return this.each(function(){
                        var $thisUL = $(this);
                        var numOfLIInUL = $('li', $thisUL).length;
                        var counter = 0;

                function revealNextElement(){
                    if (LiInStrata1Counter < numOfLIInStrata1) {
                        $thisUL.eq(counter).fadeIn(opts.speed, function(){
                            counter = counter + 1;

                $.fn.revealSequentially.defaults = {
                    speed: 'slow'

Thank you !!

Alexandre Plennevaux

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