Hello all,

Since the morning I'm trying to complete this supposedly easy
migration but for some reason it gives me a migraine %-|. The first
problem I've encounter was "$ is not a function" when trying to call
(previously worked with jQuery 1.1.3) function (sample call: $
('#element_id').slideUp('fast');). I didn't change nothing but the
jQuery source to 1.2.3.

Did some online search and could not find anything concrete, just
this: "This error is almost always due to an incorrect file name/path
for the core jquery js file in your <script> tag.", that does not
apply in my case as I replace the content of the original file (1.1.3)
with the new content (1.2.3) and left the script tag(s) untouched.

Also, if I remove from 1.2.3 the following:
if ( window.$ ) var _$ = window.$;
window.$ = jQuery;

and add at the end of 1.2.3 this:
var $=jQuery;

it solve some of the "$ is not a function" errors but some of the
plugins are not working in result (like corners, suggest, thick box,

Am I doing something wrong or should I wait for a new version to be

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