Try (with latest version from SVN):

var $tabs = $('.ui-tabs-nav').tabs({
    select: function(ui) {
        alert( $('a', $tabs).index( );

Maybe it is a good idea to attach the index to the ui object, so that
you could do:


or something similiar... this question pops up from time to time. I'll
add that to my Todos.


> Hello, I'm trying to incorporate jquery tabs to a project at work. I
> read in the documentation that you can bind to stages of the tab. I
> would like to bind to the tabselect stage i.e.
> $('.ui-tabs-nav').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
>     ui.instance // internal widget instance
>     ui.options // options used to intialize this widget
> // anchor element of the currently shown tab
>     ui.panel // element, that contains the contents of the currently
> shown tab
> });
> My question is that I really need to be able to figure out the index
> of the ui element in all tabs inside of the bind statement. Could
> someone shine some light as what's the best way to do it? I looked
> closely at the ui object but didn't find anything. Perhaps I just
> missed it.
> Help is appreciated.
> Thanks!

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