Hi Sperks

I'm a bit new at JQuery and have been following what you have done
here. I'm trying though to add a third id in and can't figure out how
to get it to work with an additional set of div's or more for that
matter. Can you help?

On Feb 22, 2:33 pm, sperks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I worked a little longer and in case anyone has been watching trying
> to work out what I was on about... Here's my final code. I don't
> thinks it's very clean, and I'm sure there are easier ways of doing
> this, ways that don't require me to name the ids, etc., but I'm not
> familiar with the intricate workings of math functions. Heck I'm proud
> I got this far.
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         var ids = [ 'latestArticle', 'inTheMag' ];
>         var index = Math.round( Math.random()*10 ) % 2;
>         var id = ids[ index ];
>         $('#mainArticle #' + id + ' .teaser').hide();
>         $('#mainArticle #' + id + ' h1 span').addClass("hidden");
>         $('#mainArticle > div h1').click(function(){
>                 var place = $(this).parent().attr("id");
>                 $('#mainArticle h1 span').addClass("hidden");
>                 $('#' + place + ' h1 span').removeClass("hidden");
>                 $('#mainArticle .teaser').hide();
>                 $('#' + place + ' .teaser').slideDown('slow');
>         });
> });
> On Feb 21, 6:32 pm, sperks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > update:
> > I'm still looking for the random side of things, but I've got "a"
> > solution for the switching. However, I'm a little concerned that I'm
> > targeting h1 rather than the span (how do I go back two parents?)
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >         $('#mainArticle #latestArticle .teaser').hide();
> >         $('#mainArticle #latestArticle h1 span').addClass("hidden");
> >         $('#mainArticle > div h1').click(function(){
> >                 var place = $(this).parent().attr("id");
> >                 $('#mainArticle h1 span').addClass("hidden");
> >                 $('#' + place + ' h1 span').removeClass("hidden");
> >                 $('#mainArticle .teaser').hide();
> >                 $('#' + place + ' .teaser').slideDown('slow');
> >         });
> > });

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