I do have that in the footer of my page.  To be exact it says:

jQuery(document).ready( function() {  });
jQuery(window).scroll(  function(){ smartPosition('#post-
navigation'); });

The smartPosition param tells it which ID to track in the DOM.

Thanks for the reply!

On Apr 5, 5:17 pm, "Sam Sherlock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have only had a look round at the code I have in  a wordpress install with
> k2, I have not upgraded either since 2.5 came out.
> Make sure you have this somewhere
> jQuery(document).scroll(function() { smartPosition('.configstuff') });
> possibly the k2 jquery pack includes dimensions plugin or something
> -S
> On 05/04/2008, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm using some code that I found in the K2 theme for WordPress.
> > function smartPosition(obj) {
> >         // Detect if content is being scroll offscreen.
> >         if ( (document.documentElement.scrollTop ||
> > document.body.scrollTop)
> > >= jQuery(obj).offset().top) {
> >                 jQuery('body').addClass('smartposition');
> >         } else {
> >                 jQuery('body').removeClass('smartposition');
> >         }
> > }
> > It's supposed to add and remove the `smartposition` class when the
> > scrolling threshold is right.  It works perfectly in K2.
> > I have the style
> > body.smartposition #post-navigation {
> >   background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
> >   border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;
> >   margin:0pt;
> >   padding:10px 0pt;
> >   position:fixed;
> >   top:0px;
> >   z-index:10;
> > }
> > In my stylesheet, but the problem is that the class isn't removing!

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