You are right.  Further tests show that it's only an issue in Safari
2.0.4.  It works fine in Safari 3+, Firefox 2+, IE6+.  Is Safari 2 in
the list of supported browsers for jquery.validate?

On Apr 7, 3:18 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> js schrieb:
> > Is there a reason why URL validation is failing on the following URL?
> >
> > It works fine on any other URLs I've tried.
> > My jQuery code looks like this:
> > jQuery(document).ready(function($){
> >     $('#theForm').validate({
> >         errorClass: 'validationError',
> >         rules: {
> >             url: {
> >                 url: true
> >             },
> >             email: {
> >                 email: true
> >             }
> >         }
> >     });
> > });
> What version of the validation plugin are you using? The URL you gave
> validates just fine with 1.2.1.
> Jörn

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