On Apr 8, 1:56 pm, "R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah"
> I'm just wondering if there is any easy way to find out the header
> (th) of the table column (td)?
> Say,
> ----------------------
> | head1 | head2 |
> ----------------------
> | r11     |  r12     |
> ----------------------
> | r21     |  r22     |
> ----------------------
>      Here, r22's heading is "head2"

You need to know what relationship that the "header" cell has with the
table cell.  In a table with one tbody and the "header" cells are just
the first row of the table (i.e. the header row is in the same
tableSectionElement as the table cell), then if td is the cell:

var headerCell =

If however the header cell is in a thead (which is a different
tableSectionElement), you will need an extra parentNode:

var headerCell =


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