Not sure why that wouldn't work, but have you tried putting your
second AJAX call into a separate function that the first AJAX success
calls?  That's generally how I structure my code and I haven't had any
browser issues so far.

On Apr 8, 2:38 am, Dannster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Has anyone had any problems with nested callbacks in IE7?
> I have an ajax callback which contacts a web service and fires another
> ajax callback on success.
> Both callbacks get fired on Firefox but only the first one gets fired
> om IE7.
> here is my code...
> $.ajax({
>     type: "POST",
>     url: "/WebServices/KayakService.asmx/GetSession",
>     beforeSend: function(xhr) {
>         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json;
> charset=utf-8");
>     },
>     dataType: "json",
>     success: function(msg) {
>         sessionId = msg;
>         alert(sessionId);
>         $.ajax({
>             type: "POST",
>             data: '{"origin":"' + originCode + '","destination":"' +
> destinationCode + '","depDate":"' + $("#depDate").val() +
> '","retDate":"' + $("#retDate").val() + '","sessionId":"'+ sessionId
> +'"}',
>             url: "/WebServices/KayakService.asmx/GetFlightSearchId",
>             beforeSend: function(xhr) {
>                 xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/json;
> charset=utf-8");
>             },
>             dataType: "json",
>             success: function(e) {
>                 searchId = e;
>                 alert(searchId);
>                 getResults();
>             }
>          });
>     }
> });
> Any help appreciated, bit of a showstopper this one.
> Dannster

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