I have found some wicked way to do it.

This is the code where I'm writing a plugin to accept date range pair
and auto-init them.

//Assuming from/to date have same prefix id (e.g. #eventFromDate,
$.fn.datepickerPair = function(options){
    return this.datepicker(
                var id = elem.id;
                var isFrom = /FromDate$/.test(id);
                var prefix = id.replace(/(FromDate|ToDate)$/,'');
                var minDate = isFrom?null: $.datepicker._getInst($
                var maxDate = !isFrom?null: $.datepicker._getInst($
                return {minDate:minDate, maxDate:maxDate};

Any other 'cleaner' way?

On 4月11日, 上午1時09分, Jacky  See <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is about the ui datepicker.
> I have an input field with a datepicker, using image as trigger.
> The field is not read only, user are allowed to input by keyboard.
> The problem is that when user type some invalid input like '333333'
> the $('#input').datepicker('getdate'), will still only get the last
> selected date.
> Is that any way to get the 'fresh' date?
> Any trigger I can call?
> I need it to fill in a date range using 'beforeShow' option.

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