I've been successful keeping a couple tables in sync with regard to
the column widths for some time. Nothing fancy here; both tables have
the same number of columns and one table is the master with the data,
and the other is a header table. I set the column widths on the header
table to the values provided by the master. I'm using jQuery's builtin
width() function for reading and writing this property. Works great.

Now....I need to add a new row to my header table, and the columns in
this row will have a colspan. Now there is no resizing taking place,
anywhere. No browser I have tested on (FF2, IE6, IE7) works.

The last row of my header table has the same number of columns as the
data table. I thought simply picking that row as the resize target
will cause the rows above it (with the colspans) to automatically
adjust. No dice. I then tried starting with the colspan cells and
setting their width along with the other rows widths. No dice.

Anyone have a solution to this, or have seen an example with colspans
that seems to be working?

-- jim

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