I just decided to keep the code inline within the ASP page:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var CompanyID = $("a.dload").attr("name");
    var UserID = <%=session("UserID")%>;
    var DownloadID = $("a.dload").attr("rev");
   type: "GET",
   url: "downloadtrack.asp",
   data: "CompanyID=" + CompanyID + "&UserID=" + UserID +
"&DownloadID=" + DownloadID

However, I now have a new problem. The page this code is in displays a
list of links. I have assigned unique values to the attributes listed
('rev' and 'name') so I can identify what ones are clicked on. The
problem is that when any of the links are click, the values of the
FIRST link get passed through to the 'downloadtrack.asp' page, not
those of the clicked link. Can someone show me how to make the values
of the clicked link get passed through instead?


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