I can second that this bug exists. Does anyone have a workaround?

On Apr 6, 8:48 am, Vaska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've noticed the oddest thing...or perhaps it's not odd at all. I have  
> a series of lists that I use ui.sortable to move things around...works  
> great...except...
> It creates an extra li element and attaches it to the end of the  
> active ul group. For instance I start with...
> <ul>
> <li>one</li>
> <li>two</li>
> <li>three</li>
> </ul>
> And when I'm done dragging, using $('#id').sortables( ... stop:  
> function(){ }... ); and I alert out the order of things I will get:
> (moving two to first position)
> <ul>
> <li>two</li>
> <li>one</li>
> <li>three</li>
> <li>two</li>
> </ul>
> I'm not sure how to deal with this...I must be missing something here.  
> I see in the documentation 'update' where I was hoping to refresh the  
> order before 'stop'...I've even tried using 'refresh' in my stop  
> function but nothing works.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks....

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