Hi there,

Probably the easiest way -- provided that the group of inputs is always contained within a paragraph -- is to do this:


The .prev() method selects the immediately previous sibling element. Your radio buttons have no siblings other than each other (and text nodes, which aren't included in jQuery selectors).

Karl Swedberg

On Apr 13, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Up-Works wrote:

I have this block of HTML:
        <label for="playerName">Player Name: </label>
        <input type="text" name="playerName-0" class="required spell"
        <span class="spellResponse">
            <br/>&nbsp;Did you mean: <span
style="color:#295DAD;"><em><strong><span class="correctWord">Robert</
span></strong></em> Yes: <input type="radio" value="Y" class="spellQ"
name="spellQ"> No: <input type="radio" value="N" class="spellQ"

I am using a click function on the input.spellQ that if value==Y it
grabs the text() from span.corretWord and places it in the previous

I am having trouble selecting the previous input.required spell.

Here is what I have for the funtion:

$('.spellQ').livequery('click',function() {
                        var qValue = $(this).val();
                        if(qValue == 'Y') {
                                var newText = $('span.correctWord').text();
                                var field = $('input.spell');
                               //This line below does not work :-(

Thank you in advance for suggestions or assistance.

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