If I understood it correct I have a jQuery snippet where I did a "Same
as Shipping" address kind of thing.

function same_billing() {
                var thisCheck = $(this);
                var owner_address = $("#owner_address").val();
                var owner_city = $("#owner_city").val();
                var owner_state = $("#owner_state").val();
                var owner_zip = $("#owner_zip").val();
                         if (thisCheck.is (':checked'))



On Apr 15, 1:50 pm, millitheKidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I've already asked this before -- and, well, it may not even be
> possible, but, here goes again. Is it possible to copy from one
> combobox to another one; such as address information. After COMBING
> the web, I FINALLY found an example here:
> http://www.plus2net.com/javascript_tutorial/copy-listbox.php
> But, what I would like to do is use telerik's radcombobox or an
> asp.net combobox to do mine with. Below, you can see where I got it to
> work using just a plain old HTML select box, but I really want to get
> it to work using telerik's combo; as they have cool styling and
> functionality on theirs.
> Here's my radiobuttonlist control:
> <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblMailingAddress" runat="server"
> TabIndex="330">
>          <asp:ListItem Value="SameasBusaddr">Same as my business
> address.</asp:ListItem>
>          <asp:ListItem Value="SameasHomeaddr">Same as my home
> address.</asp:ListItem>
>          <asp:ListItem Value="Separateaddr">This is a separate
> address.</asp:ListItem>
> </asp:RadioButtonList>
> Here's my RadcomboBoxes:
> <radC:RadComboBox ID="cmbBusinessState" runat="server"
> DataSourceID="StateListXmlDataSource"
>                  SkinsPath="~/RadControls/ComboBox/Skins"
> Width="140px" TabIndex="160" DataTextField="Text"
>                  DataValueField="Value" Height="140px"
> Skin="WindowsXP" MarkFirstMatch="True">
> </radC:RadComboBox>
> 2 more with an ID of  cmbResidentState and cmbMailingState
> And here's my jquery:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>     //For Mailing Address information
>         $('#rblMailingAddress :radio').click(function() {
>         var CurVal = $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'rblMailingAddress']:checked").val()
>         if(CurVal == "SameasBusaddr")
>         {
>         $("#tbMailingAddress").val($("#tbBusinessAddress").val()); //these 2
> peterblum textboxes are working fine.
>         $("#tbMailingCity").val($("#tbBusinessCity").val());  //so are these,
> they are working too.
>         $('#Select2').val($('#Select1').val()); //this worked with just plain
> old html select boxes.
>         $("#msdeMailingZip").val($("#msdeBusinessZip").val()); //Peter Blum's
> Multi-Segment Data Entry is not working either but I will contact him
> for that issue.
>         }
>         else if(CurVal == "SameasHomeaddr")
>         {
>         $("#tbMailingAddress").val($("#tbResidentAddress").val());
>         $("#tbMailingCity").val($("#tbResidentCity").val());
>         $("#cmbMailingState").val($("#cmbResidentState").val()); //tried
> telerik.com's radcombobox but this didn't work.
>         $("#msdeMailingZip").val($("#msdeResidentZip").val());
>         }
>         else
>         {
>         //If "This is a separate address." was clicked then clear 'em out and
> reset the comboboxes to 0 SelectedIndex.
>         $("#tbMailingAddress").val("");
>         $("#tbMailingCity").val("");
>         $("#Select1").selectedIndex = 0; //This is not working either but
> I'll figure this part out later.
>         $("#msdeMailingZip").val("");
>         }
>         }); //end click for Mailing Address info
> }); //end main function
> If ANYONE could help me I would appreciate it SOOO MUCH! This is
> driving me nuts. :-P
> p.s. Using Visual Studio 2005 with ASP.Net 2 dot 0
> thanks, milli

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