I see... the group's key is not related to the rules/method.
So the group would force the underlying fields to only display one message?

This would be a problem because a field would also have its own message
(like date format is incorrect). I tried my old demo, inputting all four
fields with wrong date format and only two comes out.

I think may be a more desirable way is to separate them... like...

    rules: { //individual field
        date1: 'date requried', date2: 'date required',
        date3: 'date required', date4: 'date required'
    globalRules: { //I can't come up with appropriate name
        checkPlanDateRange: {
            group: 'date1 date2', rule: {dateRange:'plan'}, message: 'xxxxx'
        checkActualDateRange: {
            group: 'date3 date4', rule: {dateRange:'actual'}, message:

Just my two cents

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jacky schrieb:
> > I'm thinking if I can do this:
> >
> > rules:{
> >    planFromDate: {dateRange:'plan'}, planToDate: {dateRange:'plan'}
> >    actualFromDate: {dateRange:'actual'}, actualToDate:
> > {dateRange:'actual'}
> > }
> > groups: {
> >    dateRange: "planFromDate planToDate actualFromDate actualToDate"
> > }
> >
> > $.validator.addMethod('dateRange',function(value,elem,param){
> >    var f = $(elem).parents("form:eq(0)")[0];
> >    from = f[param+'FromDate'].value;
> >    to = f[param+'ToDate'].value;
> >    if(!from || !to ||
> >        /Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(from)) ||
> >  /Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(to)))
> >                        return true;
> >    return from && to && new Date(from) < new Date(to);
> > },'wrong date range');
> >
> Give this a try:
> rules:{
>   planFromDate: {dateRange:'plan'}, planToDate: {dateRange:'plan'}
>   actualFromDate: {dateRange:'actual'}, actualToDate: {dateRange:'actual'}
> }
> groups: {
>   plan: "planFromDate planToDate",
>   actual: "actualFromDate actualToDate"
> }
> $.validator.addMethod('dateRange',function(value,elem,param){
>   var f = elem.form;
>   var from = f[param+'FromDate'].value;
>   var to = f[param+'ToDate'].value;
>   if(!from || !to ||
>       /Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(from)) ||       /Invalid|NaN/.test(new
> Date(to)))
>                       return true;
>   return from && to && new Date(from) < new Date(to);
> },'wrong date range');
> Jörn

Best Regards,
網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

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