Huh? I don't get your code? What is this?
$( '.showlayer' ).click( function () {
           $( '#div1 ).fadeIn( 750 );
  <a href="#div1" class="showlayer">

  #div1 = href ??
  #div1 is id

  <a href="#" class="showlayer" id="div1">

Hello there :)

I've got a bit stuck. I suspect this is a job for Livequery, but can't
understand how to use it (sorry, Ariel).

With this:
$( '.showlayer' ).click( function () {
$( '#div1 ).fadeIn( 750 );

I'm trying to make each link with a class of 'showlayer' show the div
which is named in its href:

This probably should be simple, but I'm tying myself in knots!
Would some kind person point me towards the solution, please?

Thank you.

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