
>I'm using the following code to get all selected checkboxes from my
>html page and copy them into the form I'm about to submit:
>I'm pretty certain that with previous versions of jquery (specifically
>1.2.1), this was working for me, but since I've upgraded to 1.2.3, the
>cloned checkboxes are no longer checked when the form is submitted.
>I've had to add additional code to specifically re-check them after
>the cloning.
>Has anyone noticed similar behavior? It seems to me that the "checked"
>state should be maintained during cloning.

I've seen this behavior in IE 6 & 7. The fix I used was (for IE) to copy
over the HTML:


You'd probably want to use outerHTML in your instance, but I believe that
will fix the problem.

I think the jQuery team has gone back and forth on whether or not jQuery
should resolve this problem in the clone() method. I know there are several
little quirks with the clone() method right now--and this is one of them.


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