
Thanks a million.  Can't believe I missed that.  It's working great now.


Josh Nathanson wrote:
> Carl -- Javascript is case-sensitive, so you have to use hasClass 
> rather than hasclass each time you call it.
> -- Josh
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Von Stetten" 
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:38 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] Problem with using hasClass() within .each()
>> Using jQuery 1.2.3
>> Firefox
>> I am trying to loop through the headers of a tablesorter table and find
>> out which columns are being sorted which way.  I'm building an array of
>> arrays that can be fed into the tablesorter.trigger function to resort
>> the table after changes are made to the DOM.
>> The problem I'm having is after .each() iterates successfully through
>> the first two columns (which currently are sorted) it then crashes on
>> .hasClass().  When I say crashes, I mean that Firebug reports the
>> following at the Console:
>> "$(this).hasclass is not a function"
>> Here is a snippet of my code.  The id of the table in question is 
>> "rdlist".
>>        var columnsort = new Array();
>>        parent.$("#rdlist th").each(function(idx){
>>                var curhead = new Array();
>>                if($(this).hasClass("headerSortDown")){
>>                    curhead.push(idx);
>>                    curhead.push(0);
>>                }
>>                else if($(this).hasclass("headerSortUp")){
>>                    curhead.push(idx);
>>                    curhead.push(1);
>>                }
>>                if(curhead.length)columnsort.push(curhead);
>>                console.log(columnsort);
>>            });
>> What am I doing wrong? :-(

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