I have some problem in IE (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/

Can you add error handler in your request? Something like this:

error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){

On Apr 17, 11:56 pm, nmadg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do I need to add an ActiveXObject.  I thought one of the great things
> about JQuery was you don't need to do browser specific stuff?
> On Apr 17, 3:43 pm, nmadg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I swear I'm not blind, I believe I have an original problem. I've been
> > stuck on it for hours.  PLEASE HELP!  My code works perfectly in FF
> > and Safari on both PC and Mac.  I am NOT using the meta plugin. The
> > only other code i'm using is the YUI Grid CSS.  Please advise and I
> > will be forever indebted to the jQuery community.
> > Here's my code:
> > <script type="application/javascript">
> >             $(function(){
> >                 $(document).ready(function(){
> >                     $.ajax({
> >                         type: "GET",
> >                         url: "_xmls/page_0001.xml",
> >                         dataType: "xml",
> >                         success: function(xml){
> >                             $(xml).find('headers').each(function(){
> >                                 var headerText = $
> > (this).find('header').text()
> >                                 $('<h2></
> > h2>').html(headerText).appendTo('#hd #headerText')
> >                             })
> >                         }
> >                     }) //close $.ajax(
> >                 }) //close click(
> >             }) //close $(
> >         </script>
> > In my <BODY>
> >             <div id="hd">
> >                 <div id="headerText">
> >                 </div>
> >             </div>
> > What am I doing wrong!!!  Thank you so much for your help.

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