Not sure if this'll do anything, but you should prolly use if(body === "")
instead of if(body == "") because "comparisons against null, 0, true, false,
or an empty string allowing implicit type conversion".

vincehofmeister wrote:
> Ok, So my code is running fine under FF2, no problems. However, IE7 is
> a different story. The only thing that seems to be working under IE7
> in all of my jQuery code is this...
> Now... all of this following code works under FF2 PERFECTLY... and I
> feel like its something simple I am doing wrong under IE7 with this
> code:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>       $("form#add_comment").submit(function(){
>               //function for ajax comment system
>               var body = $("#body").val();
>               var maxCharacters = 500;
>               if(body == "")
>               {
>                       //if the comment body is empty, do nothing
>                       $("#comment_error").html("Oops, please enter a 
> comment...");
>                       $("#comment_error").show("medium");
>                       return false;
>               }
>               else if(body.length > maxCharacters)
>               {
>                       $("#comment_error").html("Whoops, a comment can only be 
> 500
> characters long!");
>                       $("#comment_error").show("medium");
>                       return false;
>               }
>               else
>               {
>                       //send an ajax post request to the server
>               $.post("/nzbs/add_comment", {
>               'data[Comment][body]' : $("#body").val(),
>               'data[Comment][nzb_id]' : $("#nzb_id").val(),
>               }, function(data)
>               {
>                       //callback function after post request
>                       $("div.add_comment_container").hide();
>                       $("p.empty").hide();
>                       $("div.comments").append(data);
>               }
>               );
>               return false;
>               }
>       });
>               //controls the image to be shown during ajax request
>               $("div#show_on_ajax").ajaxStart(function(){
>                         $(this).show();
>                       });
>               //controls the image to be hidden after the ajax request is
> complete
>                $("div#show_on_ajax").ajaxStop(function(){
>                $(this).hide();
>                       });
>               //hides the download link after it is finished completing
>               $("a#download_link").click(function(){
>                       $(this).hide();
>                       $("td#download_td").html("Downloading file...");
>               });
> });
> //function that controls viewing more comments
> function comment_request(nzb_id){
>                       $.get("/nzbs/view_more_comments/"+nzb_id, 
> function(data){
>                               $("a#view_rest_link").hide();
>                               $("div.comments").append(data);
>                       });
> }
> //function that determines how many characters are left when posting a
> comment
> function characterCount(){
>       var body = $("#body").val();
>       var maxCharacter = 500;
>       var charactersLeft = 500 - body.length;
>       if(charactersLeft <= 0)
>       {
>               var charactersLeft = "0";
>       }
>       $("span.character_count").html(charactersLeft);
> }
> function checkAll(){
>       $("input.check_change").attr("checked", "on");
> }
> function uncheckAll(){
>       $("input.check_change").removeAttr("checked", "on");
> }
> Now, I attempted to use Firebug Lite under IE7 to help diagnose the
> problem, but the page would throw an error saying the page cannot be
> loaded and IE must close. So in the status bar after loading the page
> without Firebug Lite it says error on page and here is the information
> it gives...
> Line: 28
> Char 3
> Error: Unexpected Identifier, string, or number
> Code: 0
> I have also gotten IE to throw some sort of error about an unexpected
> object or something.
> It is also important to note that under FF2 and using firebug 0 errors
> show up. I think my code is fine... is something wrong with IE7 that
> would render all of this code useless?
> Thanks for any advice.

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