You have to use a callback:

    $("a").click(function () {        $("div").fadeIn(3000, function () {       
   $("div").fadeOut(100);        });        return false;      }); 
  Look it up in the jQuery documentation. It's quite simple to use.



If you look at this page

and click on each of the links next to the arrow graphics, you'll see
the center text switches out. However, it is choppy. It seems that
as one div is fading out, the other is fading in at the same time.
This is the code I'm using

function swapDivs(oldDivId, newDivId) {
$("#" + oldDivId).fadeOut("slow");
$("#" + newDivId).fadeIn("slow");
} // swapDivs

How can I make one div fade in only after the other div has completly
faded out?

Thanks, - Dave

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