
I'm using TableSorter 2.0 with the pager plugin, and then appending
table rows. This works fine when run without prototype.js, when run
with prototype.js (but jQuery then breaks our prototype calls), and
always works in IE 6.

We had to add jQuery.noConflict() to the top of our script, and then
change all of our $ references to jQuery. Adding function($) to our
document.ready did nothing in particular to solve this after we
changed our references.

However in Firefox 2, I get an error on line 681 of tablesorter.js,
which is:
table.tBodies[0].innerHTML = "";

The error in Firebug is that table.tBodies[0] has no properties

In our code, the flow is that an AJAX call is made which gets back
some table rows (as variable html), and then appends them to the

jQuery("#demotable").tablesorterPager({size: config.totalRows});
jQuery("#demotable tbody").append(html);

The error is coming from tablesorter's pager - renderTable works fine
when it is called three times, and then somewhere the table never gets
anything appended back to it, renderTable gets called, and
clearTableBody in tablesorter.js breaks.

Hopefully this rings a bell for somebody. I'm still digging into
tablesorter and jQuery to see if I can figure out what is going on

Jeff Linwood

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