I just posted a couple of plugins in a git repo at:


To grab them, just:

git-clone git://github.com/sxross/jquery_plugins.git

They are focusFirstInput and ajaxLinkBind. You can read about the at:


In a nutshell, they do this:

== focusFirstInput ==

Just sets the focus to the first input field on a form, if there is a
form or an input. How many times have you written that code? No, it's
not YAGNI, but it may be useful :)

== ajaxLinkBind ==

More specialized, it is set up to hijack links inside a container and
turn them into Ajaxified links to Rails controllers. Atypically,
instead of using XML, this plugin uses JSON. If Javascript is turned
off in the browser, the links (surprise) revert to normal HTML links
and issue a GET to the Rails controller.

Comments welcome!

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