Hey -

I believe you can use the styleID attritbute of the struts
<html:select></html:select> tag. It will render as id after the page
is compiled and loaded.

Hope that helps!!

On Apr 14, 6:17 am, hero789 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi every Body :
>  I 'm a java developer and i find that the jQuery  is an amazing
> javascript library and very powerful
> but i have a  noticed that in selecting  controls you  select usint
> the  "id"  tag
> but i struts framework we don't use id tag instead we use "property"
> tag  if struts  forms ;
> so i want  to use the  date-time picker on struts form but i don't
> know how since i have no "id  tag
> please help me if  any  body has a solution for this .
> thanks ;

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