actually doing
$('table.basic tbody tr:visible:even').addClass('even');

does work, and it just has to go in the right spot after all the show/
hide logic is done, as well as be called every time something is


On Apr 28, 9:41 am, rsmolkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've got a little problem.  I have a table in which some rows are
> shown and hidden based on some selections.
> What I am trying to do is add the row-styping to this table, but what
> happens is something doesn't work right with the :even selector, and I
> get some rows next to each other of the same color.
> Does anyone know how to write a selector that would return all even
> visible rows?
> I tried doing this but it doesn't work:
>         function rowColors(){
>                 $('table.basic tbody tr').removeClass('even');
>                 $('table.basic tbody tr:even:visible').addClass('even');
>         }

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