I'm either making this more difficult than it is, or I'm missing something simple...

I have a div that contains a table. Inside that table I have rows with an arbitrary number of cells. The cells may or may not contain a div with a "tasksummary" class. I need to find all the rows that DO NOT have a task summary div, and toggle them.

I can easily find the tasksummaries:

$("#containerDiv > table > tbody> tr .tasksummary");

But how do I change this to give me the TR's that don't have a task summary div? (note, some of the cells may contain sub tables, so the explicit table>tbody>tr isolates only the main table...)

The only method I can see right now is to find the TRs then do a .each() on them and check each row with the .hasClass(). But I'm sure there's an easier way...

Thanks for any input.


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