After making changes to the table, use this instead:

$('#myTable').trigger("update"); // rebuilds the tablesorter data cache

If you have added rows and need to resort, try either this:

$("#myTable").trigger("sorton",[sorting]); // where [sorting] is the JS 
array of the sorting column info (see docs)

var sorting = $("#myTable")[0].config.sortList;  // grabs the current 
tablesorter sorting configuration
$("#myTable").trigger("sorton",[sorting]);  // resorts using the current 
tablesorter configuration


A13thGuest wrote:
> The tablesorter is acting goofy and I'm wondering if anyone has any
> insight to the problem or a way to fix it.
> I'm adding rows to a table then calling tablesorter:
> $('#myTable').tablesorter();
> Works fine.
> If I clear rows from the table then add more rows, I call tablesorter
> again:
> $('#myTable').tablesorter();
> When I try to sort, records that were previously removed pop into my
> table again.
> There doesn't seem to be a way to clear the tablesorter before
> reloading it with the new table results. For example:
> $('#myTable').tablesorter('destroy');
> $('#myTable').tablesorter();
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.

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