*bump*.... :)

Any ideas? Thanks!

On Apr 29, 10:49 pm, the_woodsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> After some laborious use of alerts, I've tracked down my bug in IE,
> and it relates to $().jqm().
> I think It's a live query style issue (I'm not actually using live
> query!).
> I have a function that attaches events to elements, and this is called
> again when new elements are added via AJAX.
> I have the following code:
> attachEvents: function()
> {
>   // do stuff...
>         if(!$('#dialog').jqm)
>         {
>                         alert('jqm fn does not exist!!');
>         }
>                 /* make modal popup from #dialog */
>                         $('#dialog').jqm(
> // ... blah blah blah
> So, the attachEvents function gets called multiple times.
> In FF, everything is fine.
> In IE, the second time you call attachEvents, $('#dialog') still
> alerts as an object, but it doesn't have a .jqm() method!
> Unsurprisingly, the error is "Object doesn't support this property or
> method."
> Any suggestions?? I'm pretty stumped :|

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