I've got bit of a firefox mystery here:

My photo-album component animates when browsing to the next page, see
http://mediabeez.veerman.ws/mediaBeez/ and press the 'next' button (thats
the one on the right) on the photoalbum you view on that homepage.

You have to use firefox to test this properly, IE wont perform one of the
functions in the chain (yet).

If you're using a browser debugger you'll encounter a debugger stop when you
press the next button; just run past it for now.

The bug occurs when you click on one of the images, then use the 'back'
function of your browser to go to the front-page again. There's a debugger
stop (for your convenience) at the start of the code that re-inserts the
'previous page' html into the DOM. I believe that that code works correctly.

Then, when you click the 'next' button, the debugger stop activates but the
code around that stop doesnt do anything.
I was wondering why, and havent been able to figure it out after two days..
Maybe you have a clue that helps ;)

I did notice that firebug's HTML view doesn't show the node (s2) being added
to .mbCollectionContent, but when you view it's childnodes collection in
it's 'watch variable', it IS added.. i don't get it..

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