Try Flexigrid!

This jQuery plugin is a Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable
columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to
connect to an json/xml based data source using Ajax to load the

If you need any help implementing it, just contact me or take a look
at the Flexigrid discussion on CodeIgniter forums:
There are several examples that you can use.

Let me know if this is what you're looking for!



On May 6, 2:18 am, patrick davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the tablesorter pluging it
> works fine for smallish tables.  However, I need to page through large
> result sets (and filter them) - so I am going to use AJAX to
> repopulate the table once the options have been selected.
> Now, if through filtering / whetever - less than 100 rows are
> returned, then I want tablesorter to just sort the table (without
> having to make an AJAX call)
> To do this I want to edit the tablesorter plugin to call a function
> which returns true/false depending on how many records there are to
> sort.
> So my question (there is one!) is how do I do that with tablesorter.
> I have tried using 'sortStart' and returning false but no joy.  I can
> edit the source of course - but if there is a simple way I'd love to
> know it.
> Better still, does anyone have an example of doing filtering&sorting&
> paging of large datasets using  JSON/AJAX and Jquery? :)
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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