Just wonder if there were any comments to this?

On May 5, 4:24 pm, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> One thing that I've noticed is that the "expr" attribute is pretty
> inconsistent across methods (such as filter, find, parents, parent, etc.)
> The documentation is very vague about what an "expression" is, other than it
> just being a selector. However I would assume a valid expression for one
> element would be valid for all elements, but I've noticed that an HTML
> element is only a valid expression in the find() method.
> For example:
> $li = $("li");
> // returns the first matches for $li
> $("body > ul > li").find($li[0]);
> // this actually errors with a "t.substring is not a function" error
> $("body > ul > li").filter($li[0]);
> // I would expect this to only return the element which is the first $li,
> // but instead it ignores the expression altogether and returns all parents
> $("li[rel=45]").parents($li[0]);
> Shouldn't "expressions" work the same across all methods?
> Right now I'm having to use this to find only the explicit parent:
> $el.parents().filter(function (){ return this === $parent[0]; });
> However, if parents() worked like find() I would be able to do:
> $el.parents($parent[0]);
> (Before you say "Why not just use $parent?", it's because I'm checking to
> see if an element is a child of a specific element.)
> -Dan

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