Hello, Panman! Welcome.

It would help if you posted a link to your work page.

Without seeing your actual code, it looks like you have every second-
child <li> sliding up & down with every mouseover, which would kind of
explain the problem ;)

To make life easy you could use the jQuery UI Accordion plugin; see
http://ui.jquery.com/ and 

Alternatively, use an each or an iteration or a class/id to allow
jQuery select the item you want expanded.

Panman wrote:
> Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
> shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more "dynamics" and
> have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
> I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
> wants to keep sliding for each <li> and even multiple times per hover.
> Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?
> $('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
>     $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');
> }).mouseout(function() {
>     $(this).children('ul').slideUp('normal');
> }).end();
> Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:
> http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/menus/demo.html
> However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:
> <ul>
>   <li>abc</li>
>   <li>abc
>     <ul>
>       <li>abc</li>
>       <li>abc</li>
>     </ul>
>   </li>
>   <li>abc</li>
> </ul>

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