A little more specific:

You're using jQuery.noConflict() which allows you to use the variable
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
                                jQuery("#sliding_cart").css({ display: "none"});

then later in your doc, you're using $ which is the same thing, if
you're not using  jQuery.noConflict(). However, it's one or the other,
not both.

                 $(document).ready(function() {

                                 alert("Thanks for visiting!");

If you're using Prototype.js or any other JS Library that may use $,
then you need noConflict. If you're sure you'll never use any other JS
Library, then drop the noConflict and use $ instead of jQuery variable
If you're using some plugins or third party script asking you to use
noConflict for any reason, then use jQuery instead of $ (like those


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