You *could* have a PHP that you call with $.getScript that'll use the
GET variables to spit out specific javascript depending on the
plugins, but that's a pretty lame way of doing things.

On May 11, 6:58 pm, "Lee O" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an application that has many plugins, all of which have jquery
> scripts. Now, i imagine there are ways to program an javascript aggregator
> of some sort, but i imagine this is a very common problem with plugin based
> web-apps, so i was curious if jquery had any ways to handle this.
> To reiterate with an example: If you have a CMS that is plugin based, with
> 20 plugins, and each plugin has its own js file to run its own, plugin
> specific, jquery code from. You cannot(*and should not have to*) manually
> combine them together (ignoring the aggregator aspect for now), so are there
> any other options? Having 20+ <script> calls on one page is a bit overkill
> heh..
> Any thoughts on this subject?
> Thanks,
> --
> Lee Olayvar

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