Sorry, first ever post to a group.

How do I get the following section of my javascript to post and return
a result:

  $("#S1").click(function(e){$.post("scripts.cfm", { coords: e.pageX
+','+ e.pageY, strokeNo: '1', dropLocation: '?' });});

S1 is the draggable element (the id of the div, and there are 11 of
them, S2, S2 etc.) and becomes the srokeNo, how do I change this based
on the div object dropped?

the coords are working to the post section

Drop location is not working, I need to post the ID of the div where
the drag object was dropped.

I then need to return a calculated result, which I will do in
coldFusion from the scripts.cfm page, to the drag object div.


On May 11, 11:43 pm, teazer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After way too many hours wasted, I find I have to ask for help. I am a
> coldFusion programmer and a neophyte at jquery.
> I am trying to show and post info for a drag & drop page. I need to
> show the coordinates and strokeNo and post to a database the same plus
> the div of where the draggable was dropped. Hopefully this makes
> sense. Thanks in advance...
> test page:
>   $(document).ready(function(){
>     $(".drag").draggable({containment: ".wrapper"});
>         $(".drag").mousemove(
>                 function(e){$(this).html(e.pageX +','+ e.pageY);
>         });
>         $(".drop").droppable({
>         accept: ".drag",
>         drop: function(ev, ui) {
>      var dragInfo =
>                 $(this).attr("id");
>                 $(this).append((ui.draggable).text());
>                 $(this).append(",");
>         $(this).append(dragInfo);
>         //posting the info to the database
>                 $("#S1").click(function(e){$.post("scripts.cfm", { coords: 
> e.pageX
> +','+ e.pageY, strokeNo: '1', dropLocation: '?' });});
>                 }
>         });
> });

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