I am having a couple issues with how to sort a few of my fields.

The first, and I think most difficult is I have a field which holds
the value of "Empty" or lists state abbreviations. What I'd like it to
do is have "Empty" be grouped together and then sort the state
abbreviations in alpha. I tried the grades demo, but with no success.

The second is I have an ID field which is constructed by the year and
then a sequential number.
Example - 2008 - 1, 2008 - 2, 2008 - 3, etc.
The problem is that when sorted it sorts like this...
2008 - 90, 2008 - 9, 2008 - 89

It does see the 9 as coming after 8 and before 10, but between 90 and
89. Help with either one is greatly appreciated.


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