
That is a fantastic article! I love how it's part personal narrative, part tutorial. And I can totally relate to this paragraph:

I began re-writing the Mootools scripts using jQuery and had much better luck. But even though other parts of the site became easier, I no longer had a plugin already written that did what I was looking for. Fortunately, though — and this is kind of the whole point — I was able to write my own, total n00b that I was (er, still am).

My experience a couple years ago was very similar to your recent experience, except the library I quickly abandoned was Prototype.

Thanks for spreading the good word about jQuery. Great site, too, by the way.

As a side note: One thing about your script that might be problematic, at least for IE users, is line 16, where you use console.log(). IE will throw an error when it comes across that. To avoid the error, you could do this instead:

if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("i = "+i+" and margin = "+margin+"px"); }


Karl Swedberg

On May 13, 2008, at 4:30 PM, nathandh wrote:

Did a little write-up about our company portfolio page, on account of
several requests:

Hope it's helpful to someone!

Nathan H.

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